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Pickleball Coach Jane Doe in Chicago, Illinois

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Jane Doe

home pin iconChicago, IL

completed icon5 000+ lessons completed

Teaching: 8 years

Playing: 20 years


PPR Certified Pickleball Instructor, IPTPA Certified Level 2 instructor, PPR Professional Pickleball Instructor, PBR Lorem Ipsum, PBR Test


Seniors, Adults

Levels taught:


Languages spoken:

English, Chinese, Latvian

Comes to your location
1st lesson free

About Me

I am a level 1 Certified Pickleball instructor. Pickleball is different than other racquet sports. I feel that learning the basic fundamentals from the beginning gets a player off to a great start.
I love working with individuals and small groups to their game. An instructor can help you improve your game by working on specific shots and strategies....

paddle icon

How I teach: Pickleball Done

Training options:

Personal, Small group


Weekdays: Mornings, Afternoons, Evenings

Weekends: Mornings, Afternoons, Evenings


Private lessons (1 player) - 55-88 $/hr

Semi-private lessons (2 players) - by agreement

Master Pickleball with Jane Doe's Lessons in Chicago, IL

Start your pickleball journey today and book your first lesson. Elevate your skills and enjoy the game like never before! Reserve now!

My teaching locations

info icon Jane can recommend a location or come to any court within the highlighted area.

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